Go White-Water Rafting in Style
July, 2010Culinary Whitewater Series featured in Every Day with Rachael Ray. "There are plenty of tranquil stretches on the 52-mile route, allowing time to appreciate the basalt cliffs and forests of ponderosa pine. Though this trip is suitable for first-time rafters, dozens of rapids with names like Roller Coaster, Devil's Slide..."

Camping Life Features ROW Adventures' Family Magic
Camping Life May, 2010Trade in the flat screens, video games and cell phones for the longest wild and scenic river in the continental United States. White sandy beaches, bluebird days and star-filled nights, plus the exhilaration of riding rollercoasters of whitewater waves will leave the whole family grinning from ear to ear....

ROW Adventures' Galapagos Trip Featured in the Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal May, 2010As the economy shows signs of life, more people are pulling their bags out of closets and returning to the road. With that in mind, we decided to canvass travel companies across the country to get some fresh ideas about how and where to resume your journeys. In the end, we found 10 great trips...

Culinary Whitewater Series Featured in New York Times
New York Times April, 2010...rattling off an impressive array of dishes, including prime rib, Alaskan salmon and cakes buried in coals, all made with little hardware beyond a covered cast-iron kettle. “I mean, you can do this at home.” The trip Ms. Criscione took was the inaugural voyage of ROW Adventures’ Culinary Whitewater Series...

ROW Adventures Wins 25 Best New Trip from NGA
National Geographic Adventure November, 2009Each year National Geographic Adventure announces the 25 Best New Trips in the world. ROW Adventure's Bitterroot Bonanza is one of only 3 in all of the United States!

New River Tours for Washington & Idaho
OutThere Monthly July, 2009Nationally acclaimed ROW Adventures, based in Coeur d'alene, is introducing half day trips this summer on local lakes, rivers and bike trails...

ROW Named with 2 Other Trips for Active Seniors
US News & World Report June, 2009"It is a growing mission among grandparents to bond with their grandchildren and adult children through multi-generational travel," she says. "I recommend from the ROW Adventures itinerary...

ROW Adventures Wins Tour of a Lifetime
National Geographic Traveler May, 2009For the forth consecutive year, ROW Adventures has been honored with the prestigious "50 Tours of a Lifetime" by National Geographic Traveler magazine. Several hundred trips each year are submitted and sorted through and the editors at National Geographic Traveler pick the "very best, most authentic, most innovative, most immersive, best-guided, and most sustainable tours" in the world...

What's Cookin' at ROW?
Idaho Cuisine April, 2009River Dance Lodge is the dreamy riverside retreat very near one of the wildest rivers in the world! Who could ask for a better work bench? Along one of the most untamed rivers in the northwest and dramatic wilderness scenes that will never leave your mind once you pass through is one of the most scenic byways on earth. But that's if you drive through it. Then there is ROW. They have found a home there and cleared the way for the world to enjoy the beauty of this area they love so much, the River Dance Lodge...

Best Way to See Coeur d'Alene
April, 2009Rachel Ray chose ROW Adventures' kayaking tour in her April 2009 magazine as "The Best Way to See Coeur d'Alene".