During our journey down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, we will pass through the lands of the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce), Pohogues (Shoshone-Bannock) Tribes and the Agaidika (Lemhi-Shoshone) Tribes. We would like to take a moment to recognize these communities and the significance of our travels through their territory. It is our hope, in doing so, to honor their legacies, their lives, and their descendants. Acknowledging the Indigenous communities whose lands we are visiting is the first step in raising awareness about our collective history, their cultures and the continued disenfranchisement of Indigenous populations today. To learn more about the importance of these acknowledgments, please visit our Territory Acknowledgement page. We encourage you to visit the links to each Tribe above to learn more about the people whose land you will be visiting.
Our Territory Acknowledgement efforts are an ongoing and evolving project. If you see any missing information, Tribe acknowledgments or otherwise, please do not hesitate to share this information with us so that we may continue updating these pages and be as comprehensive, accurate and inclusive as possible. Thank you.