Courtesy and respect for others has always been an unspoken code of conduct for our group trip participants. While we are modifying many procedures to reduce the risk of infection, we recognize that we cannot control people’s thoughts about the threat of COVID-19. Some may be very concerned about contracting the disease, while others may not feel particularly cautious. Our goal is to create a trip atmosphere that both protects the health of all trip participants and provides a positive experience.
We know that COVID-19 spreads through virus droplets spread by people and these can be transmitted directly or by contact from certain surface areas. Medical professionals have issued guidance on how to minimize spread and we are implementing these as best we can. We need everyone to support a spirit of cooperation and, to that end, we have established these behavioral expectations.
By participating on a ROW trip, you agree to the following Code of Conduct:
- I agree to use handwash systems that are set up and be very aware of general hygiene.
- I agree to follow CDC physical distancing guidelines.
- I agree to follow any system a guide sets up at meals or other times designed to protect the health of all trip members.
- I will wear a facial covering if instructed to do by ROW staff. I understand this is not optional in the same way that the requirement to wear Personal Flotation Devices is not optional.
- I agree to follow the direction from ROW staff if there is a request for a change in behavior relating to the health and safety of all ROW guests and guides.
- If I refuse to comply with these rules of conduct, I understand that ROW staff reserves the right to remove me from any trip and I am responsible for any evacuation expense.
Additionally, all participants traveling with ROW Adventures in 2021 will be required to sign our COVID Code of Conduct Pledge and turn it into your Trip Leader at the orienation meeting preceeding your tour.