White Water Rafting & Adventures Blog

Girl jumping off a rock into a swimming pool along the Rogue River in Oregon

The Importance of Embracing Discomfort

The Importance of Embracing Discomfort

Embracing discomfort and taking risks while traveling can lead to transformative experiences that profoundly impact your life. When you step outside your comfort zone and immerse yourself in unfamiliar cultures, environments, and situations, you open yourself up to incredible opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

rafting group along the rogue river in oregon

Ask A Guide: Why Go On A River Trip?

Why You Should Consider a Rafting Trip for Your Next Adventure

Considering a white water rafting trip? Explore some expert advice below from ROW Founder and Owner, Peter Grubb, detailing just a few of the excellent reasons you might consider a river trip for your next adventure! 

ROW whitewater rafting

A Typical Day on the River

Are you thinking of trying out this whitewater rafting thing, but aren’t sure what you’re really in for? No need to play through “what if?” scenarios—you can discover the many adventures you’ll have on a typical day of a river trip with ROW. So read on and share a day of river fun with us: every sight, smell, and incredible feeling. 


Keeping “Clean” on a River Trip

A five-day journey into the thought process of human cleanliness in the wilderness.

Pre Trip:Take a long shower! It'll be the last one for a few days. Better trim your nails too! Need a shave? This is the day to do it!

Day 1: